Language Arts
Contrary to what Dr. Hon said that there was nothing to study for Language Arts, I feel that Language Arts is the subject that I should pay the most attention to. It is my second weakest subject. My weakest subject is History just in case you are wondering.
There are lots of things to revise for Language Arts. For example the format for writing letters of complaint or letters of request. There are lots of skills to apply and you need to have a discerning mind to be able to spot out figures of speech in poetry or unseen prose, to understand poems or comprehension passages and to choose the important points in order to write a summary.
I think that the only thing I can do is practice, practice and practice. Remember what teachers used to say? “Practice makes perfect”.
Higher Chinese
Even though Higher Chinese is a language like Language Arts, it is not as hard as Language Arts. There is only I form of letter writing to memorise. There are no summaries, no poetry analysis and no prose analysis. However, there are a lot of comprehensions. There are four comprehensions in one exam paper! There is not so much to study as Language Arts. I just plan to look through some compositions that I have written in the past and memorise some good phrases to use in them.
Integrated Mathematics
Maths is my strongest subject and I never fail to get an A1 every term. It is also quite a confusing subject. One must be quick-witted in order to solve a problem. I feel that to be able to excel in Maths, practice is not so important. What is important is EXPOSURE. Exposure is critical. One must be exposed to different forms of questions. A question can be asked in many different ways trying to confuse you but the only way to conquer it is to be exposed to that kind of question before. Of course another important element is carefulness. If one is careless and writes to messily. He may end up mixing up numbers. For example mixing up 6, 9 and 0 due to untidy handwriting or writing the correct answer at the end of an equation but writing a different answer at the statement.
Lower Secondary Science
Science requires a lot of memorising work. Other than memorising the chemical elements symbols, there is the memorising of chemical equations and many other complicated formulas that I shall not mention or I would be writing o forever. I just have to start memorising.
Integrated Humanities
Integrated Humanities consists of two subjects Geography and History.
I am neither good nor bad at Geography just like my Higher Chinese. Geography is just like a simpler form of Science with memorising to do but quite considerably less. I just have to read through my textbook and I should be fine.
History is terrible. I can never get my facts right. The dates, the information, it is driving me crazy! I can never get the format of writing History essays right. I spend the bulk of my revision time on History and only pass History with a score of 11/20. Why is this happening to me? I study very hard for History and I just passed it. I really don’t know what to do for History probably revision and lots of memorising work to do.
I was just looking for your plans regarding the writing of your three LA exams, but it never hurts to anticipate how you will prepare for the other subjects. Be sure to go over prior test papers, the examples I wrote out for you and reread Animal Farm. You'll need some quotes there as well.