First, let me start off by stating the definitions of narrative and graphics.
Definition of a narrative novel:
1. A story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious.
Definition of a narrative novel:
1. A story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious.
2. A book, literary work, etc., containing such a story.
Definition of a graphic novel:
1. A graphic novel may be classified as a picture book, but graphic novels employ some other elements that distinguish them. In particular, they use sequential frames of pictures, with or without written text, to tell a story. Predominant sequences of panels and gutters throughout a narrative indicate that the text is a graphic novel.
In my opinion, both narrative and graphics are similar in a way that they both can tell a story. A narrative appears to have all the information. Thus, we may not be able to form our own ideas. The reader will not have a chance to view the story in his own way. However, in graphics, there are no words and just pictures. This "forces" the reader to interpret what the pictures are actually trying to show. Some readers will like this as this allows them to find out what the story really is about themselves.
1. A graphic novel may be classified as a picture book, but graphic novels employ some other elements that distinguish them. In particular, they use sequential frames of pictures, with or without written text, to tell a story. Predominant sequences of panels and gutters throughout a narrative indicate that the text is a graphic novel.
In my opinion, both narrative and graphics are similar in a way that they both can tell a story. A narrative appears to have all the information. Thus, we may not be able to form our own ideas. The reader will not have a chance to view the story in his own way. However, in graphics, there are no words and just pictures. This "forces" the reader to interpret what the pictures are actually trying to show. Some readers will like this as this allows them to find out what the story really is about themselves.
I think that the only connection between both narrative and graphics is the fact that they both tell a story. Other than that, they don't seem to have any other things in common.
For graphic novels, different people will come up with different interpretations of the pictures. This explains why there is this famous phrase "A picture is worth a thousand words".
My preferred learning habits:
1. Logical (Number Smart)
2. Intrapersonal (Myself Smart)
3. Interpersonal (People Smart)