Monday, March 1, 2010

E-Learning Homework

Intrapersonal [pick one]:
a. Who would you want to be friends with in the novel? Explain.
b. Which character would you like to play in the movie version of the novel? Explain.
c. Write a diary entry for a major character of the novel.

I would like to play the role of Atticus Finch in the novel. He is full of wisdom and righteousness. His character is nearly the complete opposite of the general population of the town. He is a man without prejudice and racial hatred and is a good-hearted man of strong morals. He brings up his children the way he deems is right. Atticus sees past a man's colour and looks into the depth of his character. He has courage that not many people have. He knew that he was licked before Tom Robinson’s trial started and yet he still fought hard for him and saw it through the end. He was very optimistic. He knew that it would very rare for him to win the case but he believed that as long as he gave Tom the best defence he possibly could, that would be enough. He is also consistent. He is the same in his house as he is on the public streets. This is what gained Miss. Maudie’s admiration. Atticus is a man filled with lots of excellent qualities. He functions as the novel’s moral background. If given a choice, who wouldn’t want to be him?

MI Test Result

I feel that the test is quite accurate as the results are more or less the same as last year’s. Logical and Intrapersonal have the two highest scores. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can help you a lot during your learning journey. We can improve on our strengths and tackle the problems of our weaknesses. This will let us to be able to excel more in areas that we are not so good at, thus helping us to become well-rounded students. With this information we can change our learning styles and patterns to help us get the best results.